Everything You Need to Know About Buying a Renewed Mac

If you’re a first-time buyer of a used MacBook, used MacBook Pro, used MacBook Air or other used computer, it can be difficult to know where to start. After all, many hesitate to jump into the world of buying used laptops because it can be difficult to tell exactly what you are going to get. And even though used Apple computers are deemed to be some of the most reliable on the market, they may have problems if they haven’t been properly renewed (or haven’t been renewed at all — as can be the case if you buy a laptop simply labeled “used,” but we’ll dive deeper into that in a minute) or if they come from a seller with a less-than-perfect reputation. 

So how can you tell that you are getting a computer that will function as powerfully as you need it to for  as long as you’d like it to? It starts by understanding the common terms used by Apple resellers: renewed, refurbished and used. In this article, we’ll dive into the differences between the three, and will discuss why buying a used mac that has been renewed by a trusted seller is always the best option. 

What Is a Renewed Mac? 

If you’re looking to save money on a MacBook for school, business or personal use, you may be considering buying one used through a marketplace ad online, or even buying a refurbished computer from an online or brick-and-mortar retailer. Both of these options can save you money in the short-term, but you may not know exactly what you’re getting. 

- Renewed vs. Refurbished 

The difference between renewed vs refurbished computers is subtle but very important. To put it simply: refurbished computers may have been previously damaged in some way. And while a seller of certified refurbished computers may have done a great job replacing all of the damaged parts, the model could still show signs of damage (think scratches, dings and more) and it may still have undetectable damage that wasn’t repaired. 

Renewed laptops, on the other hand, represent the best in tested and certified used laptops available for resale. Carefully prepped following a number of designated steps (which we’ll discuss in further detail below), renewed Macs promise years of enjoyment for their new user. 

- Renewed vs. Used

A laptop being sold simply as “used” carries all of the same potential dangers as a refurbished computer, but with even less of a guarantee that it will work properly once it lands on your desk. 

Used laptops may also show visible signs of damage, from scratches on the screen to a keyboard in less-than-stellar condition. They may also feature missing parts or damaged drives that may not have been replaced — let alone tested. Used MacBooks may also come with a very limited warranty, or worse, no warranty at all. A reliable seller of renewed MacBooks and other computers will have checked for all of these signs of use, and will have addressed them (with a warranty!) far before selling a potential lemon on to you.

Why Renewed Laptops Are the Most Reliable Choice

When you’re in the market for a used MacBook, there are a few important questions to consider. How did the previous owner treat their computer? Did they wipe the hard drive before they sold it? Conventional hard disk drives only last for so long. How much longer will you have before the hard drive fails due to wear and tear on the moving parts? Are the video and network cards still in good condition with lots of life in them?  Luckily, buying a renewed model makes answering each of these easy, as reliable sellers will have tested everything you’d need to keep your computer running flawlessly. 

- Wiped Hard Drives Give New Owners a Fresh Start

Many people think deleting all the files on a hard drive is enough to erase their sensitive data and prepare a used computer for the next user. But if you don’t follow the proper steps, some of the data may remain on the computer. These  files can use up memory and slow performance.

A reliable seller of renewed MacBooks, like us here at RenewedMacs.com, will  fully wipe the hard drive of any used Mac we sell, so buyers can expect a machine with performance as fast as the day it left the Apple factory.

- Reloading and Testing MacOS Ensures the System Performs Properly

Of course, wiping the hard drive also erases the operating system. Our experts at RenewedMacs reinstall the  latest MacOS  so you can enjoy all of Apple’s latest features on your renewed Mac. We then test the install to ensure it is running properly. We also test all components for performance and optimization. With a renewed Mac, you don’t have to worry about parts that may soon break down or reach the end of their lifespan. We replace any components that don’t perform as flawlessly as you’d expect from an Apple computer. 

- Certification and Warranty Ensure Performance for Years

Before shipping, our Mac specialists certify your renewed Mac to guarantee its performance. Every machine ships with a seller warranty, so you are protected after your purchase. Like we discussed above, refurbished or used laptops carry no guarantee that the problems that plagued the model before it became yours have been fixed.

Our certification indicates that all parts have been tested and are guaranteed to perform as expected.. Your used MacBook, MacBook Pro or MacBook Air will look as good as it performs. 

Can You Find the Used MacBook You Want? 

People sell their used Macs for many reasons. Maybe they want to upgrade to the latest model. Maybe they have fallen upon hard times and need the money. Sometimes, a person changes careers and realizes they don’t need a  top-of-the-line Mac for their new vocation.

You can find virtually any year and model of a used MacBook, used MacBook Pro, used MacBook Air or a variety of other Apple computers for sale at RenewedMacs.com. It’s especially common to find computers just a few years old when a new model comes out.

Final Thoughts 

It’s hard to beat Apple computers for reliability, performance and security. If you’re in the market for a Mac but don’t want to spend top dollar, a renewed Mac can give you the right price and peace of mind you need when you’re making an investment in your future. Your computer will look great and operate properly for years to come. To explore our top-of-the-line renewed Macs including MacBooks, MacBook Pros, and iMacs, visit  RenewedMacs.com.

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